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Miss Jairath

---------------ICT Teacher---------

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My teaching journey began twenty five years back, and each day, I learn unforgettable lessons from my international students with different backgrounds, thought process, cultural and religious views. Disseminating knowledge, the knowledge that I have, to these students, is both a challenge and a great pleasure.


More than two decades back, in the capital of India, when the IT company’s thought computer education could be introduced into schools, I happily working for one, was designated to give presentations unfolding its merit. Then, the high end schools were intrigued and were much keen to begin the modern and futuristic method of learning. They needed experienced professionals and my experience was much sought. Before I could understand, I was slid unconsciously into teaching, and found myself delving into learning teaching methods and strategizing lesson plans to make the new subject easy and interesting for the much awed students and the parents to some extent. Thus, fortuitously I landed in the realm of pedagogy.


My initial few years were spread disseminating knowledge in various schools of repute before I settled for The British school, where I tackled pupils of various races and with different emotional quotient, prior knowledge, retaining capacity, their present skills and their temper. Yes, temper. Dealing pupils from various background and nationality grossly involves in handling and manoeuvring their entire constitution to the necessary and mandate parameters. Honestly, it took every bit of my energy but then experiences maketh a man and I realized I enjoyed understanding and counselling them. It came naturally to me.


Later, I moved to Dubai and not only endured peer competition and their insecurities of my experience, but also restarted to understand the behavioural patterns of the students here, and their style of responding to a particular eventuality. Soon, with my knowledge and wisdom I captured the hearts of my children and gained their love, respect and confidence. There was mutual affinity: my tenderness towards them and their faith and devotion for me.


What else could I ask for? Perhaps I was cut out for this profession and that is why nature coursed me towards it, and now to a different land, Kazakahstan. I truly hope and wish to give my best to the students here too, and evolve them to significant personalities. I must add here the current generation is very smart and much ahead of what we were at school going age in our times. I am truly proud of them and inadvertently, I have learnt much from every single of them.


God bless them all.















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